Once cooled, cut into two 15cm circles and a 5cm x 54cm rectangle.
Mascarpone Cream Vanilla
Heat the vanilla bean, fresh cream A and sugar to 50°C.
Turn off the heat and melt the soaked gelatin.
Pour into the mascarpone and fresh cream A.
Homogenize with a hand mixer slowly.
Once tightly wrapped, store in the refrigerator.
Before use, shake well.
The cream is used for the inner inserts of the cake and the decoration located on the top.
Glacage White
First measure the sugar, cornstarch and white coloring and beat well.
Heat the milk, fresh cream and corn syrup to 40°C.
After heating, put (1) into (2) and boil 30 seconds.
Turn off the heat and melt the soaked gelatin.
Homogenize and strain.
When using, set the temperature at 40°C.
Glacage Red
First measure the sugar, cornstarch and white coloring and beat well.
Heat the milk, fresh cream and corn syrup to 40°C.
After heating, put (1) into (2) and boil 30 seconds.
Turn off the heat and melt the soaked gelatin.
Add red coloring.
Homogenize and strain.
When using, set the temperature at 40°C.
On an 18cm round ring mold, wrap the inside of the ring with a rectangular red velvet sheet.
Place a 15cm circle red velvet sheet on the bottom of the ring.
Fill the inside with 180g vanilla mascarpone cream.
Put 120g fresh strawberries on top of the cream.
Cover with the remaining 15cm circle red velvet sheet.
Fill the inside again with 180g vanilla mascarpone cream.
Fill 4.7cm and 3.2cm round molds with the remaining vanilla mascarpone cream you used and freeze.
Once frozen, dip into the glaçage.
Garnish with strawberries and raspberries on top
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