Cherries Tiger Roll




  • Mix Tegral Swiss Roll and all ingredients except oil, then mix on high speed, for 5-6 minutes.
  • Then reduce to low speed, add oil, stir until smooth, pour into the mold and flatten.

Next Process

  • Stir egg yolks and sugar until fluffy then add cornstarch, then add oil and mix well.
  • Pour on a 30x40 cm pan and flatten.
  • Bake at 200°c for 3 minutes.

Oven Temprature : 

  • 200°C top oven & 170°C bottom oven (swiss roll)
  • 200°C top, bottom oven (tiger skin)

Baking Time 

  • ±10-12 minutes (swiss roll)
  • ±8 minutes (Tiger Skin)

Filling : Beat the Ambiante until soft peak, then spread on the sponge roll until flat and top with topfil dark cherry.

Decoration : cover the entire cake with Tiger skin chocolate.

tips & tricks

To obtain the French look the first incision must start, and the last one finish, at the very edge of the baguette. Incisions should overlap one another along a third of the cut. By adding a portion of the water at the end of the mixing, you will obtain a more humid crumb and nice cuts. You will obtain better cuts if you let the dough dry slightly before cutting. It is recommended to use a humid blade. To make a “baguette campagnarde”, create a mix that is 50% flour and 50% semolina. To get the appealing traditional look, dust with rye flour before cutting.


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