8 Apr 2020
The coronavirus (COVID-19) is impacting all of us on a global scale. In order to safeguard the health- and well-being of our employees, customers, consumers and their families, we will do everything we can to help contain the virus.
Governments around the world consider both the medical and the food industry as strategic sectors during this crisis. Puratos and its customers supply ingredients/products which feed millions of people around the globe. Therefore, we are socially responsible for keeping our activities going.
At Puratos, dedicated coordination teams, on both local and global level, are following the information and guidance being made available by official authorities. Our procedures have been adapted accordingly, throughout the world.
Our top priority is to help prevent the virus from spreading.
Instructions from the World Health Organization on basic hygiene precautions are available for all and include:
Visual reminders of these guidelines are shared regularly and shown in several areas across the company via posters and on TV screens.
Sanitizers and alcohol gels are available in key areas.
We have increased the frequency of cleaning offices, desks and meeting rooms (including floors, surfaces, door handles, hand rails, …).
Puratos has a smart working policy in place. All employees who can appropriately perform their job from home, have to work at home.
In order to protect our employees who need to work on-site, we have general precautionary measures in place (see above), but additional protective measures have also been applied:
Meetings are replaced as much as possible with calls or video-conferencing. If a meeting needs to take place, then a 1 meter (3 feet) distance between people has to be respected.
Visits to our facilities are limited to a strict minimum and we have strict health screening measures.
Travel restrictions are in place. All international travels of our staff is postponed in order to help contain the virus.
We also postponed or cancelled all our internal and external events.
We are aware that the unpredictability of the COVID-19 situation may cause you understandable concerns. As your reliable partner we would like to reassure you that we take all possible actions in order to support you and minimize impact on your daily business. We will also keep you informed about any major evolution should the situation require it.
As we emerge from this period, we will continue to operate using the lessons learned, of an ever changing global environment. Let’s all together look forward to a brighter future and find hope in China, where we see that the virus is almost contained.
Take care of yourself and those around you.